Page name: Don't take the c.u.r.e. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-23 07:31:59
Last author: Sideways
Owner: Sideways
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the c.u.r.e. Rules have been changed. Thus I have won a pyhrric victory against... Fuck I forgot what I was arguing about...

This sucked. Yeah I was about 80% right and 20% exactly what I was fighting against. Eh maybe it's closer to 60-40. Everyone who agreed with me didn't get involved, and everyone who disagreed did a fair job of gang-raping my P.R.

So yeah, I regret the hell out of this. This wasn't even what I was mad at really. My RL was kicking my ass and I took it out on a bunch of roleplay snobs. High risk low reward shit folks.

Anyway, I'm the one who's really gonna pay for this fight, so please, everyone enjoy the poles in your butts and the motes in your eye. I like to think the ones in mine got a little smaller after this learning experience.

So, until the scars fade from time and are forgotten, I'll enjoy my stigma and you all can enjoy your own stuff, whatever it is.

Btw The ET Opinion Directory still needs support. Everyone who watches this page, friend or foe, join and do something for the good of ET! I need administrators, rule editing help, formatting, and promotion help! You can help shape it any way you think would improve it!

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2011-05-20 [Aeolynn]: I have to be honest I never read the rules... I didn't think I'd ever need to as I've never had a problem with gms, and normally, in roleplays I'm in, I'm the gm, or a partner. You know my favorites are one-on-ones ;) I support the group just because I think it has the most potential to gather roleplayers together. The other rp groups made me feel icky just from the name, and this ones name is rather clever.

I don't support the way flisky dealt with it, or treated you. That's all.

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: C.A.N.C.E.R. supports this wiki.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: You missed my point, Aeo. Please read Don't take the c.u.r.e once more and try again. The way Flisky treated me is not my point. I even apoligised on CURE as well as in this wiki for calling her names. Do not patronize me, that will not get you anywhere.

This Wiki is about selfishness, self-superiority, being a jerk and above all, a commentary on how these people can be so narrow-minded and dumb that they actually cant read. What I mean is their brains are so conditioned to responding to people that are ill informed or selfish themselves that they actually cannot perceive a congruent and sensible argument.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Also, whoever discovers the secret subliminal message of this wiki (hint, THERE IS ONE and it's actually a negative thing about my specific arguement,) gets a bonus prize, an actual transcibed message chain in which I pwn a council member.

Also, a LOT LOT LOT of people who have read this missed my point and think I'm an anti establishment, anti-ET council douchebag. Again, you fail. re-read my message and try again. No where on here do I attack the council itself AT ALL! I merely mention that a few people I was extremely angry with and in my opinion are assholes, et cetera, are ON the council.
I was expressing concern that certain INDIVIDUALS I perceive to be stupid are in a decision making body on this site. To find out which one, you gotta find the hidden message :D

(hint: its not a code, or cipher. It's an argument.)

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Also, please don't blurt out the solution to the puzzle on the comments section of this wiki. I don't support direct attacks on ET members, however valid, in a protest wiki. Message me if you think you figured it out and I will message you with the specific ET member and any others who crop up and get chopped down as this war of ideas continues.

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Awesome!

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: You pwn a council member? O.o

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Sure why not? Pwn'ing is usually pretty funny if done properly. Such an example of this would be:

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: No one ever pwns me...

You jerks.

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